About two weeks ago my mother and I met at the T-mobile store in Orem so that I could switch from At&t over to her plan on Tmobile. We get my phone set up and are both walking out of the store keys in hand and saying our goodbyes when we hear screaching coming from the University Parkway road. We both look and all the sudden a Jeep Cherokee comes over the curb and at about 60 mph takes out a bus stop sign and a full on thirty foot tree. I must say I have never seen a tree that large snap like a toothpick. After taking out the sign and the tree my mother and I are both waiting for the woman to slam on the breaks. But no she continues to have her foot completely pressed on the gas and gains speed for about 200 more yards as she hits my car and sends it spinning around hitting another car sending that car right at my mother and I we had to run to the curb and pretty much dive out of the way. She continues to gain speed and T-bones my moms car and might I add we weren't even parked by each other nor were we facing the same direction. After hitting my moms car her wheels continue to spin and smoke as her Jeep is stuck in the red durango. I ran over to her and yelled for her to take her fat foot off the gas and finally she does so, leans over and picks up a pop can and tries to put a straw in the upside down pop can. She wouldn't respond to anyone and wasn't in the slightest bit hurt after totally five cars including her own. She told the police she "fell asleep" but anyone who saw knew this wasn't the case. My mom and I both saw her as she was about to hit my car and she was sitting straight up very attentive. She passed a sobriety test so she wasn't drunk but we all know she was on something. She wasn't a geezer either, only about 40 years old. You know some mommies like to get hopped up on pain meds or whatever. In the picture above I am standing almost on the sidewalk where she came over. Our cars are where the police lights are so you can see she had an empty parking lot and time to slam on her brakes before hitting our cars. I am voting she was suicidal.
So on my second to last post where I say the shit has hit the fan I was just kidding he he. Here we are jobless and now carless and unable to get a loan for another car because of the joblessness. Luckily Tony's parents are nice enough to lend us their sexy van and in about a week my dad is going to lend me his car. I'm just good luck I guess. I feel that I am lucky though having the type of personality that doesn't stress out about these things and the ability to laugh shitty situations off and I consider my mother and I lucky to be standing by our cars when this happened and not sitting in them. Hopefully this is mine and Tony's test as a couple (cross your fingers!). In closing....... UTA bus pass anyone? Oh wait I can't afford one! ha ha ha ha GO KRUGERS AND BERGSTROMS I MEAN HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN TWO CARS IN ONE FAMILY BEING TOTALLED IN ONE NIGHT THAT WEREN'T EVEN PARKED NEXT TO EACH OTHER! ANYONE? ANYONE?
So on my second to last post where I say the shit has hit the fan I was just kidding he he. Here we are jobless and now carless and unable to get a loan for another car because of the joblessness. Luckily Tony's parents are nice enough to lend us their sexy van and in about a week my dad is going to lend me his car. I'm just good luck I guess. I feel that I am lucky though having the type of personality that doesn't stress out about these things and the ability to laugh shitty situations off and I consider my mother and I lucky to be standing by our cars when this happened and not sitting in them. Hopefully this is mine and Tony's test as a couple (cross your fingers!). In closing....... UTA bus pass anyone? Oh wait I can't afford one! ha ha ha ha GO KRUGERS AND BERGSTROMS I MEAN HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN TWO CARS IN ONE FAMILY BEING TOTALLED IN ONE NIGHT THAT WEREN'T EVEN PARKED NEXT TO EACH OTHER! ANYONE? ANYONE?