Tuesday, July 22, 2008

So today is my birthday and I am sick of working and feel bitter doing so on such a day. I guess blogs are basically a journal of things that have happened in your life and how you feel and blah blah blah but everyone who knows me or would ever read my blog knows that I keep my details to my own self! If i do have a story or feel the need to share then might blog about it but probably tell you to your face. These pictures are of the Fourth of July fireworks and some other fabulous outdoor activities. Yay


rayefan said...

I hope you have a Happy Birthday!

Brittney Wimmer said...

Happy Birthday Jess! It was so great to talk to you the other day! You are so funny! This post cracked me up with the whole blah blah blah and explaining your lack of sharing emotional moments. You're such a dork. Don't worry, I won't ever expect anything sappy on here! You can post a picture of you dressed up in a wig and confess to dancing all over the place but you can share your feelings! But that's why we love you! Because you keep Ang and I from turning into histerical drama babies! Love ya!

Meredith said...

Dear Best Friend,

I adore you. Because you are YOU. I am the emotional, wear my heart on my sleeve half of our relationship (I like to imagine my ying-yang BFF necklace in fifth grade, I am the ying, you are the yang). And You? You are the down to earth, genuine, loyal, anti-drama, always put together, sarcastic son of a gun that absolutely completes me. Like I have said before, if you were male and I could marry you, I would be the happiest person alive, forever and ever and ever and ever. Love you sister, always.

Ashley said...

Who is that lady with the creepy face going on behind you! hahahahha

Anyway...HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope to see pictures up from cake at your house! And I hope that you had a FAB birthday! I love you!

Unknown said...

Okay, I guess i won't delete you from my blog list. keep postin'!

Brittney Wimmer said...

Hi, just wanted to let you know that you need the www. in front of our link or it won't work :) Good job! Hope you have a great b-day!

John and Julie Kupper said...

OH Jess, I like reading your blog, it makes me smile, and I don't have to read a novel... its short and sweet I like that.