Friday, August 8, 2008

The only reason I am posting this picture is because only people that I know and who know Davids personality are able to view my blog. Must I explain what these boys are doing?

The amazing steedt that carried us to our destination!

Me, Julie, Meredith and Melissa all sitting around the campfire up Squaw Peak Canyon. About four cars full of fools four wheeled up to this lovely location. I fortunately was able to drive Julie and Meredith safetly to the our location. They were pretty nervous driving up on dirt roads. (meredith recently rolled her car so she was pretty much gripping the oh shit handle the whole time) I know my driving capabilities so I was as free as a bird! Julie.... I don't know why Julie was nervous... It could have been that she knows I can't see very well but I don' t know why that would be concering to anyone hahaha.


Anonymous said...

Say no to crack! Thanks for the PG rated porn. LOL!

Brittney Wimmer said...

Looks like a good time. You look super sexy in your swimming suit in the top pick! Wish we were boating together! But then again, I'd hate to show you up wake boarding! Just playin! I'm glad you posted some new pics though! We'll have to go camping sometime in September!

Ashley said...

fun...can't go wrong with boating and camping.

Kylie Blackwell said...

Jess your a crazy slut! Glad to see somethings never change. Thanks for the laugh. Oh and thanks for that peep show, no complaints here.

Meredith said...

Hahahaha, your funniest post yet. I am STILL holding onto the 'oh s*** handle,' even when I am driving. Aaaaand no lie, windy dirt roads, nighttime darkness, and your SEVERE depth perception issues, made for a lethal combination. Nonetheless, we made it down ALIVE!

John and Julie Kupper said...

was I really nervous.. all I can remember that night was that high school kid that was high on weed and pain killers from this wisdom teeth, telling us that he plans on going on a mission soon? ha ha wow kids these days.