Thursday, August 21, 2008


Just testing out the underwater capabilities you know?
I feel that this picture makes me look a little bit evil slash a little bit chinese. Give me a break people it was very chlorinated water ok?!
My boobs are bigger than yours. I had to put this picture up for Jamie, Janalee, Shelley, and Ashley's sake.... Ladies do we recall Jessica stuffing with toilet paper at the sleepover parties? I couldn't match the racks of my friends. Well I am here to say that I have a fistful.. Not much but a fistful..
Playing some water volleyball with our singles ward. I still laugh at the thought of Julie in the background getting so frustrated with her team mates that lets just say had no athletic skills or mind skills whatsoever. If we hadn't been at an activity of the lord I probably would have drown them myself.

As usual the first person in the Pool. A shout out to Meredith the photographer.


Brittney Wimmer said...

Wow! Love the vid! Actually I loved this whole post! Glad to hear you're going to the ward activities! Try not to beat every body up so soon that they quit inviting you :)

Anonymous said...

Even under water you still look flawless. I loved the boob-grabbing by the way! Lol! Don't worry, these days I need toilet paper to help mine point north. My, how times have changed!!!

Kylie Blackwell said...

Hey Jamie is right, it's work to get the mom boobs to stay perky. So be proud of the fist full. Just FYI, the bigger they are the farther they fall later on.